Transporting poles with honesty, integrity, and family
From Trees to Wood Poles
Generally utility poles are made from sustainable and renewable trees. They are an essential part of our electrical and communication framework. Wood poles have an outstanding record of achievement in the US providing competitive and cost effective support and improved environmental benefits compared to most alternatives. With approximately 130 million poles in North America they are considered a critical component in our economy.

Transporting Wood Poles
Leavitt’s Freight Service is fully equipped to transport wood poles throughout the entire U.S and Western Canada. Our organization is so committed to transporting poles that every truck we own is capable of transporting poles. We will efficiently and safely deliver wood pole loads up to 135’ on time every time. Our customers enjoy the convenience of utility yard deliveries and hole-to-hole spotting services.

Dedicated Equipment
Over many years Leavitt’s Freight Service has invested heavily into our modern fleet of specialized boom equipped tractors, which support our flagship delivery service. Our truck mounted self-loaders can transport poles, construction material and equipment to your job-site or yard.

Our Self-loader operators are highly trained individuals, With countless hours of on the job training in safe operations of material handling. Our skilled operators will do everything they can to place the poles in the exact location you request.

From Poles to Engineered Wood and General Commodities
We don’t just deliver poles! Our Flatbed fleet is ready to deliver your engineered wood throughout the US from the West Coast.
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